Today was our first sea day of the cruise! Nancy got up early and went up one deck to the Solarium Cafe to get us some coffee. Once she returned we got everybody up and dressed. We then decided to head to the Windjammer for breakfast. Once we got there, it appeared that everyone else on the ship had the same idea. The buffet was nuts and we spent about ten minutes just looking for a table. Once we found a table (all the way in the back), we sent groups off to get food. The quality of the food was good and we enjoyed breakfast, but we definitely didn’t enjoy the crowds.
After breakfast, the girls went off to the Seaplex. Nancy and I went down to the Royal Esplanade to look through the shops.

We stopped into Cafe Promenade for some coffee as well as to look around at the food selections there. We also went over to the Bionic Bar to watch it in operation. After goofing off for a while, we went to meet the girls at iFly. They had a complimentary session that we had booked a while ago. Both of the girls really liked their iFly session.
After the iFly session was over, we ducked into the SeaPlex for some Hot Dogs from the Dog House. The hot dogs weren’t bad, but they weren’t nearly as good as the pizza. We decided to head to Sorrento’s to get some more pizza.

After our quick service lunch, we headed back to the room to change. We went to the indoor family pool so the girls could jump in the hot tub. Nancy and I sat in some chairs to the side and talked while the girls swam. We ordered a few drinks and looked out at the water. We weren’t there long when people began shouting that they saw some whales off in the distances. Unfortunately, we couldn’t grab any pictures of them (but would get tons later).
While the girls swam some more, we took some pictures of the rest of the pool deck. There weren’t too many people outside because of the wind and the temperature.

Once the girls were done swimming, we headed back to the room so they could change. Nancy, my younger daughter, and I decided to head to 270 to watch and take part in the silent disco! The silent disco is a dance party where you put on a set of headphones. The headphones have a channel selector button. There are two channels to select from, each with a different set of music playing on them. When you change the selector button, the color of your head phones change so other people around you can tell which channel you are on.

The best part of the silent disco is to watch what everyone else is doing and trying to figure out the song they are listening to. Nancy got up to dance while my younger daughter and I just enjoyed the people watching.

After the silent disco was over, we all went back to the room and changed again for the family pool area. We enjoyed the pool area for a while (thankfully it was enclosed and heated). After a while, Nancy and I headed back to the room to change to get ready for dinner.

The girls returned to the room after a bit. They started to get ready, so Nancy and I headed out to the music hall to listen to a band before dinner. The music hall is actually a great venue, with two levels and a large stage/dance area.

Dinner tonight was at Chops Grille. The girls met us there and we headed inside. We have already posted our review of Chops Grille if you are interested in reading it. After dinner, we were really tired, so most of us went back to the room to sleep. My older daughter went off to the teenage club for a while to see her friends.
Tomorrow, we would arrive in Juneau!
Planning | Travel | Seattle | Boarding | Exploring | Sea | Juneau | Skagway | Glacier | Sea | Victoria | Disembarkation | Travel
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