Food Cost, Grocery Store

Feeding a family at Disney World can get expensive.  You usually won’t have access to a kitchen if you stay on property, so you will be relying on restaurants for most of your meals.  Disney restaurants can be pricey; the meals can cost from double to triple what a comparable meal would cost at home.  How can you reduce your expenses in this area?  Here are a few methods we’ve employed: read more

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Disney Gift Cards, Target

The basic approach of our vacation savings plan is built on the Target 5% discount.  You can get 5% off Disney gift cards through the use of a few Target cards.  The Target based products are the Target Redcard Debit Card, the Target Redcard credit card, and the Target Prepaid Redcard. read more

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Welcome to Back to the Mouse!  We are starting this blog because we want to share with others our obsession with traveling and vacation planning.  It is not intended to provide all the answers or do all the research, just a view of what we do when planning for vacations.  You can learn more about us on our about us page. read more

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