Disney Cruise

Day 4
Day 4

Day four of our cruise was another glorious sea day.  The girls eventually got moving out of the room, so Nancy and I decided to go to Triton’s to have brunch.   Nancy enjoys breakfast and I prefer lunch, so it was the perfect meal for us.  We probably spent an hour having brunch and talking, then we decided to head towards Promenade Lounge.  We needed to kill some time before two of our favorite activities, Jack Jack’s Diaper Dash and the Character Dance Party.   Luckily, Promenade Lounge was hosting Disney Cruise Line’s version of the Family Feud.  read more

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Disney Cruise

Day 2
Day 2

After our prior day of getting up early to board the ship, we had very few plans for our first sea day.  We took the opportunity to sleep in late.  Nancy and I planned to enjoy Palo Brunch, so we decided to skip breakfast.  The girls got dressed and headed off to enjoy the ship while Nancy and I got ready and headed up to Palo.  We’ve talked about Palo many times, including how to book your reservation.  It goes without saying that we had a fantastic lunch. read more

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